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Fresh Apple Juice

Apple Juice helps fight against cancer.

There are more than 1,400 different types of apples. The most popular are Delicious (which are easy to digest), Golden Delicious, Macintosh, Pippin, Granny Smith and Rome Beauties. The many varieties of apples are all wonderful for producing juice, no matter what time of year.
The Healing Powers and Health Benefits of Apple Juice
Anti-viral Properties
Detoxifies and Cleanses Digestive Track
Increase Bowel Activity
Protects Against Lung Cancer
Protects Against Prostate Cancer
Apple Juice Nutrition
Apples are a good source of vitamin C, and high in pectin and other fibers.
Nutrition Facts
Apple Juice is an excellent source of:
  • Quercetin
  • Fibre (when eaten)
  • Pectin
Apple Juice is a good source of:
  • Vitamin C
Phytochemicals & Antioxidants in Apple Juice

Actually, apples are not the best source of minerals or vitamins compared to other fruit, so where did the old adage “An apple a day keeps the doctor away” come from anyway? Much of the apple’s health-promoting power is found in the skin. Studies show that the flavonoid quercetin, found within the apple’s skin, is a potent free radical that is able to kill viruses like herpes and boost the fighting capability of other antiviral compounds. Quercetin is used clinically to ease inflammatory conditions including prostatitis, pancreatitis, gout; and allergic problems such as hives, hay fever and asthma. A new study just coming out from the Mayo Clinic is showing promise that quercetin can protect from prostate cancer.

Taking a quercetin supplement is ineffective; researchers emphasize that the flavonoids found in apples function best when combined with naturally occurring compounds when eating other fruit. Apples are also high in pectin, which turns to a gel in the intestine, helping to remove toxins and stimulate bowel activity. 

Make the Ultimate Apple Juice
Preparing for Juicing
Rinse, cut and juice -- skin, seeds and all. It’s that simple.
I have spent over twenty years juicing thousands of pounds of produce and tried just about ever juicer on the market. I can confidently say that our Juice Nut Top Pick Juicers are the very best in workmanship, warranty, juice yield and juice quality. I’m nuts about these juicers!
Apple Juice Tips
If you are making straight apple juice the night before, you may find it has turned brown by morning. This is natural and does not damage the quality of the juice’s taste or nutrition. If you want to keep apple juice from turning brown, add a little lemon to your apple juice. Apples have a natural sugar, which develops acids that encourage saliva flow and digestion.  When juice fasting, always swirl your first mouthful or two of juice, to stimulate saliva and assist in digestion.
Picking Perfect Produce
If at all possible, try to eat wax-free apples. Wax increases shelf life but toughens the skin and tastes slightly unpleasant when eating. Apples should be crisp and firm. Soft, mushy apples do not juice well. My favorites are the sweeter varieties like Red or Golden Delicious. If your carrots are a little bitter, or you are ramping up on the greens, sweeter apples make these juices enjoyable to even the more discriminating palate.
Storing Your Produce
 Keep store-bought apples loose in the crisper, which will increase shelf life six-fold. If you have the luxury of picking apples right from the tree, store at room temperature for a few days, giving them a chance to sweeten before juicing. 
Taste Combos
Apples can be added to all veggie juices for sweetness, and they go well with any combination. Carrot, celery, lemon and apple have become the base for all of my favorite veggie juice cocktails.
The The Juice Nut Guide To Juicing (eBook) is available to purchase now!
If you are interested in anti-aging, detoxifying, and maintaining radiant health, or discovering what type of juice will heal and protect from just about every ailment, then this is book for you. In an easy, fun read, Ron provides detailed nutritional information about all of the common fruits and veggies in your supermarket, plus 20 years of personal juicing tips. Everything you need to know about juicing in one book! (Available in PDF & Kindle formats)
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