Nutrition aside, there is no liquid on earth that tastes better than freshly made fruit juice. The flash-pasteurized, bottled stuff available at your local grocery store is ok in a pinch, but that’s like comparing a picture of your girlfriend to actually having her in your arms. No matter how great your camera, there’s just no comparison. The only danger for me is the temptation of drinking more fruit and less vegetable juice. Those cantaloupe juice cravings get me every time. The general rule of thumb is vegetables are high in minerals and fruit is high in vitamins; both provide a different range of antioxidants, so it makes sense to drink equally from both to obtain the widest spectrum of nutrients in your diet. As for Gatorade®, soda, and the like, I just assume the poor folks I see chugging back those counterfeits-in-a-can, have never had the privilege of supping on the nectar of living fruit.
What amazes me is how something that tastes so good can be so good for you. Whereas the food coloring in sports drinks can cause cancer, the natural coloring in fruit actually protects from cancer, and the more color the better. Fresh fruit juice is a great way of getting loads of vitamins and antioxidants into your busy kids’ bodies. Even the fussiest eaters will down a tall glass of cantaloupe juice or orange juice, supplying their entire daily need of vitamin C and A, just to mention a few. Freeze the juice into homemade popsicles and you have a fun treat to bribe them into eating their veggies at supper.
Here are some of the most recent additions to our recipe collection:
Cleansing Limonade Juice
If you enjoy the tart flavor, add another lime and dab of honey, doubling lime’s antibiotic, antioxidant punch.
- 1 lime
- 3 apples
- 1 tbsp. of raw honey
- Limonene
- Pectin
- Vitamin C
Health Benefits
- Antibiotic
- Antioxidant
- Reduces Risk of Cancer
Instead of peeling the lime, thinly cut away the green skin leaving as much of the white pith as possible, which is packed with antioxidants.
Peachy Plum Juice
If you are constipated this is a great juice to get things moving due to plum’s gentle laxative effect. Plum juice has a milder laxative effect compared to prune juice.
- 4 plums
- 3 peaches
- 2 apricots
- Chlorogenic Acid
- Lutein
- Lycopene
- Neochlorogenic acid
- Vitamin C
Health Benefits
- Antioxidant
- Anti-tumor
- Laxative
- Protects From Heart Disease
- Protects From Macular Degeneration
- Reduces Risk of Cancer
Remove pits and juice. Softer, ripe plums, peaches and apricots produce more of a puree then juice.
Peach Apricot Juice
Peaches and nectarines have almost identical nutritional content so you can switch them out in any juice recipe. Tests have shown that peaches have excellent antioxidant activity and actually have the ability to inhibit tumor growth.
- 4 peaches
- 3 apricots
- 1 apple
- Vitamin A (beta-carotene)
- Lutein
- Lycopene
- Vitamin C
Health Benefits
- Anti-cataracts
- Protects Against Lung Cancer
- Protects From Eye Diseases
- Protects From Macular Degeneration
- Reduces Risk of Cancer
Remove pits and juice. Softer, ripe peaches and apricots produce more of a puree then juice, which is especially good when frozen into popsicles. Freestone peaches are the fastest to juice; as the name implies, the stone cleanly pulls away from the flesh. Simply cut in half and twist away the meat.
Papaya Kiwi Juice
This will make a thick, beta-carotene colored juice, full of vitamin C. Because papaya is a great source of the enzyme, papain, this is a perfect juice to cleanse and heal the digestive track.
- 2 oranges
- 2 kiwifruits
- 1 medium papaya
- Vitamin A (beta-carotene)
- Folate Acid
- Hesperetin
- Limonoid
- Papain
- Potassium
- Vitamin C
- Vitamin K
Health Benefits
- Stimulates Digestive Enzymes
- Improves Hay Fever
- Protects From Eye Diseases
- Reduces Asthma
You can juice the whole papaya fruit, including seeds and skin, but be aware that even though there is a healthy array of nutrients in the seeds, they can add a bitter taste to the juice. If this is your first time juicing papaya, try it without the seeds first. Instead of peeling oranges, thinly cut away the orange skin leaving as much of the white antioxidant-rich pith as possible.
Kiwi Orange Juice
This juice will be thick and rich with flavor and nutrients. In fact kiwis are higher in vitamin C then oranges!
- Hesperetin
- Limonoid
- Potassium
- Vitamin C
- Vitamin K
Health Benefits
- Anti-viral Properties
- Detoxification
- Increases Iron Absorption
- Protects From Respiratory Disorders
- Reduces Asthma
- Reduces Low-density Lipoprotein, or Bad Cholesterol
Wash kiwifruit well and juice with skin on. Instead of peeling oranges, thinly cut away the orange skin leaving as much of the white pith as possible, (which is packed with antioxidants).
Beta Apricot Juice
Among the fruit family only cantaloupes can rival apricots for the amount of beta carotene, making this a drink a sight for sore eyes—literally!
- 3 carrots
- 3 apricots
- ½ cantaloupe
- Vitamin A (beta-carotene)
- Antioxidant
- Myo-inositol
- Vitamin C
Health Benefits
- Anti-cataracts
- Prevents Skin Cancer (Melanoma)
- Protects Against Lung Cancer
- Protects From Eye Diseases
- Protects From Macular Degeneration
Remove pit and make sure the apricots are not too soft or they will not juice well.
Mango Pineapple Juice
This is a taste of tropic sunshine. Overripe mangoes are great for smoothies or purees, but will not juice very well, producing a thick juice. They are best to juice when just starting to give slightly to the touch.
- 1 large mango
- ¼ pineapple
- Vitamin A (beta-carotene)
- Bromelain
- Gallic Acid
- Niacin
- Potassium
- Quercetin
- Vitamin C
Health Benefits
- Antioxidant
- Improve Cold Symptoms
- Improves Carpal Tunnel Syndrome
- Protects Against Arteriosclerosis
- Reduces Risk of Cancer
- Rid the Body of Excess Mucus
Remove pit and skin before juicing. Slicing a mango is a bit of a trick. Starting at the top, cut down, curving the knife along the flat part of the pit on both sides. This will remove the majority of flesh. You can slice strips of flesh and the skin should easily pull or cut away from the fillet.
Cherry Sleepy Time Juice
Select dark colored, firm cherries for the best yield and highest nutrients.
- ½ pound of cherries
- 2 apples
- Anthcyanidins
- Pectin
- Quercetin
Health Benefits
- Anti-inflammatory
- Helps With Insomnia
- Improves Memory
- Protects Against Urinary Infection
- Reduces Risk of Cancer
- Relieves Symptoms of Arthritis
Yes you do have to remove the pits from the cherries before juicing and yes it’s a little work. But there’s simply nothing like freshly made cherry juice for flavor and micronutrients. Juice cherries first, then apples, this will help capture all those valuable anthcyanidin pigments remaining in the juicer.
Tangerine Orange Juice
Citrus with seeds is perfectly fine and in fact is often a juicier, thinner skinned fruit producing a greater yield.
- Hesperetin
- Limonoid
- Vitamin C
Health Benefits
- Anti-inflammatory
- Benefits Eyesight
- Blood Thinner
- Prevents Skin Cancer (Melanoma)
- Protects From Breast Cancer
- Relieves Symptoms of Arthritis
Instead of peeling oranges, thinly cut away the orange skin leaving as much of the white pith as possible, (which is packed with antioxidants).
Blueberry Apple Juice
You will need to drink this juice within a half an hour or the pectin in the blueberries will thicken the juice into an unappetizing jell
- 2 cups of blueberries
- 2 apples
- Anthocyanin Pigments
- Antioxidant
- Chlorogenic Acid
- Pectin
Health Benefits
- Anti-aging
- Antibacterial
- Anti-viral Properties
- Protects Against Brain Aging
- Protects From Onset Of Alzheimer’s
Juice blueberries first, then apples, this will help remove all those valuable anthocyanin pigments remaining in the juicer.
Red Grape Apple Juice
When it comes to grapes, the darker the color the higher the presence of flavonoids. Concord grapes are the best.
- 1 pound of red or black grapes
- 3 apples
- Antioxidant
- Flavonoids
- Pectin
Health Benefits
- Lowers Risk of Atherosclerosis
- Lowers Risk of Blood Clots
- Protects Blood Vessels In the Heart
- Reduces Low-density Lipoprotein, or Bad Cholesterol
Pure grape juice from a juicer is very strong in taste, so I like to cut it with apple or even equal parts water. Juice grapes first, then apples, this will help remove all those valuable flavonoids remaining in the juicer. If using a centrifugal force juicer I always pass the wet grape pulp through the juicer twice, increasing juice yield.
Natural Energy Juice
This is my all-time favorite juice to take to the gym. After working all day, I can be tired; the idea of hitting the weights for another hour seems almost impossible. A 20-ounce bottle of Natural Energy Juice has not only gotten me through a workout but supplied an energy boost, resulting in a great workout. On top of that, it’s a real treat to drink.
- 1 cantaloupe
- 2 tbsp. of frozen pineapple juice
- Vitamin A (beta-carotene)
- Antioxidant
- Myo-inositol
- Vitamin C
Health Benefits
- Anti-cataracts
- Detoxification
- Great Workout Juice
- Prevents Skin Cancer (Melanoma)
- Protection From colon Cancer
- Protects From Macular Degeneration
- Reduces Risk of Cancer
Thinly cut away outside skin of cantaloupe leaving some of the white or green pith.
Athlete’s Super Fuel
A super hydrating juice with all the right kinds of sugars. Makes enough for 3 or 4 thirsty people who are wanting to be on the move.
- 1/2 watermelon
- 1 lemon
- 5 oranges
- 1 can frozen pineapple concentrate
- Vitamin A (beta-carotene)
- Lycopene
- Manganese
- Vitamin C
Health Benefits
- Boosts Immune System
- Diuretic
- Great Workout Juice
- Protection From Stomach Cancer
- Protects Against Lung Cancer
- Protects Against Prostate Cancer
- Reduces Risk of Cancer
Include some of the watermelon rind; after all, that’s where most of the nutrients are.
Jogger’s Paradise Juice
Here is a muscle-blasting, power-pushing juice recipe for joggers. Clean blood, clean muscles, and enzyme-rich, nutrient-packed fuel make for intense aerobic activity. Sip slowly on this juice while on a five-mile jog.
- 3 oranges
- 2 hard pears
- 1 small yam
- Vitamin A (beta-carotene)
- Hesperetin
- Limonoid
- Pectin
- Vitamin C
Health Benefits
- Anti-viral Properties
- Boosts Immune System
- Increase Bowel Activity
- Increases Iron Absorption
- Prevents Skin Cancer (Melanoma)
- Protects Against Lung Cancer
- Reduces Low-density Lipoprotein, or Bad Cholesterol
- Great Workout Juice
When cutting away outer skin from oranges, leave as much of the white pith as possible. Juice yam or sweet potato with skin on.
Cantaloupe Cinnamon Juice
Stunningly refreshing and full of flavor. Has more than 15,000 I.U. of Vitamin A and more three times the Vitamin C content of an apple. It also contains myo-inositol, a lipid which helps with anxiety, insomnia, and in battling hardening of the arteries, and has the highest amount of digestive enzymes of any juice. Melons are recommended by the American Cancer Society as powerful agents in the fight against intestinal and skin cancer. Cantaloupe contains approximately 100 calories, yet it is dense in nutrients. This makes melon a perfect fruit juice for healing and weight loss. Delicious, filling, and low in calories.
- 1 cantaloupe
- 5 ice cubes
- 2 Tbs. of Sucanat
- dash of cinnamon
- Vitamin A (beta-carotene)
- Antioxidant
- Myo-inositol
- Vitamin C
Health Benefits
- Anti-cataracts
- Prevents Skin Cancer (Melanoma)
- Protects From Eye Diseases
- Protects From Macular Degeneration
- Reduces Risk of Cancer
- Reduces Thickening of Arteries
- Weight Loss
Juice the cantaloupe and blend with Sucanat, cinnamon, and ice cubes.
Heart-Friendly Pomegranate-Plus Juice
It is hard to classify this juice because it is so rich in antioxidants. It will improve just about everything, including how you look in the mirror.
- the seeds from 1 pomegranate
- 2 red or black pitted plums
- ½ cup of pitted black cherries
- ½ cup of fresh strawberries
- Antioxidant
- Chlorogenic Acid
- Neochlorogenic acid
- Tannins
Health Benefits
- Alkalizes Blood
- Antidiarrheal
- Clears Arterial Plaques
- Lowers Risk of Atherosclerosis
- Prevents Kidney Stones
- Reduces Erectile Disorder
De-seeding the pomegranate is a bit of an investment of time, but worth the trouble. If too busy, job it out, or add a cup of POW Pomegranate juice to the rest of the mixture.
Apple-Berry Better-Bladder Juice
Cranberry juice is a powerful healing tonic, filled with quinine which changes to hippuric acid in the liver. Hippuric acid is able to assist in the removal of purines, uric acid, urea, and toxic build-up in the prostate gland, testicles, kidneys, and bladder. An excellent preventative juice for North American men who are battling the increased risk of prostate cancer. It is a wonderful defense against yeast infections for women.
- 2 apples
- 1 1/4 cups of cranberries
- Pectin
- Quinine
- Vitamin C
- Vitamin K
Health Benefits
- Defense Against Yeast Infections
- Detoxifier of Prostate, Testicles, Kidneys and Bladder
- Protects Against Prostate Cancer
- Protects Against Urinary Infection
Cut apples into wedges, seeds and all. Juice cranberries first, then apples.
The Brain Stimulator Juice
Scientists have determined that we use only 10 percent of the brain. Here is a juice to help stimulate all of those dormant brain cells back into activity. Juicing results in better memory and sharper thinking. Detoxification helps reduce that all-too-common brain fog.
- 1 orange
- 1 hard pear
- 1 sweet potato
- 1 grapefruit
- 1 apple
- Vitamin A (beta-carotene)
- D-glucaric acid
- Hesperetin
- Limonoid
- Naringenin
- Vitamin C
Health Benefits
- Antioxidant
- Boosts Immune System
- Prevents Skin Cancer (Melanoma)
- Protects Against Lung Cancer
- Reduces Risk of Cancer
Try to keep as much as the white pith on the orange and grapefruit. Juice sweet potato with skin on.
Pain Remover Juice
Not only does this juice taste great, it assists in the healing process. There is no reason you cannot live a pain-free life.
- 1 lemon
- 1 orange
- 3 hard pears
- 3 apples
- Pectin
- Quercetin
- Vitamin C
Health Benefits
- Anti-inflammatory
- Detoxifies and Cleanses Digestive Track
- Diuretic
- Increase Bowel Activity
- Protects Against Arteriosclerosis
- Reduces Low-density Lipoprotein, or Bad Cholesterol
Wash well and juice all fruit with skin on.
Pineapple Sweet Potato Juice
The Juice Nut’s Favorite Fruit Juice! Even the most skeptical taster will be won over by this sweet, rich treat.
- 1 pineapple
- 1 sweet potato
- 4 oranges
- Bromelain
- Hesperetin
- Limonoid
- Manganese
- Vitamin C
Health Benefits
- Anti-inflammatory
- Boosts Immune System
- Heals Digestive Disorders
- Improve Cold Symptoms
- Improves Carpal Tunnel Syndrome
- Rid the Body of Excess Mucus
If non-organic, thinly cut the skin off the pineapple.
Grapefruit Pear Juice
A delicious alcohol-free party pleaser that will blow both socks off. Ask the host if you can take your juicer to the party. Enjoy an enzyme high without a nasty hangover.
- 2 hard pears
- 3 pink grapefruit
- 1 sweet potato
- D-glucaric acid
- Naringenin
- Pectin
- Vitamin C
Health Benefits
- Antioxidant
- Colon Cleanser
- Diuretic
- Lowers Cholesterol Levels
- Reduces Risk of Cancer
Juice grapefruit with white pith.
Fantastic Fertility Juice
A delightful surprise to both women and men is the increased vitality. Juicing cleanses and energizes all the organs. And it tastes great on the nightstand.
- 3 hard pears
- 1 cantaloupe
- 1 sweet potato
- Vitamin A (beta-carotene)
- Myo-inositol
- Pectin
- Vitamin C
Health Benefits
- Detoxification
- Potent Antioxidant
- Prevents Skin Cancer (Melanoma)
- Protection From colon Cancer
- Protects Against Brain Aging
- Protects From Macular Degeneration
Juice sweet potato with skin on.
Master Cleanse Juice
Each glass contains about 110 sugar calories.
- 2 Tbsp. fresh lemon or lime juice
- 2 Tbsp. maple syrup (grade B recommended)
- 1/10 tsp. cayenne pepper
- 10 oz. medium-hot water
Health Benefits
- Detoxification
- Detoxifies and Cleanses Digestive Track
- Detoxifies Digestive Track
- Detoxifies Liver
- Diuretic
Mix and drink. It is recommended that you drink 6 to 12 glasses a day when on the Master Cleanse program.
Very Berry Detoxifying Juice
Of all fruits, the berry family is the highest is antioxidants. That rich color pouring out of your juicer is a sure sign of powerful, cleansing phytochemicals.
- 1 cup of blueberries
- 1 cup of blackberries
- 1 cup of raspberries
- 1 cup of strawberries
- Anthocyanin Pigments
- Ellagic Acid
- Vitamin C
Health Benefits
- Antioxidant
- Detoxification
- Protection From Tobacco Smoke
- Protects Against Brain Aging
You can add one apple for sweetness. Switching one cup of berries for another is fine.
The Niagara Falls Cleanser
Watermelon rind has chlorophyll, vitamin A, protein, potassium, zinc, iodine, nucleic acids and enzymes, which aid digestion. Because watermelon is a great diuretic, your kidneys and bladder will experience a honeymoon of youthful health. Also, if you are short on money, watermelon juice is the ticket. You can add just about anything to watermelon, so have some fun.
- 1 large wedge watermelon
- 1/2 lb. red grapes
- Vitamin A (beta-carotene)
- Flavonoids
- Lycopene
- Vitamin C
Health Benefits
- Antioxidant
- Detoxification
- Detoxifier of Prostate, Testicles, Kidneys and Bladder
- Diuretic
- Feeds and Strengthens the Gallbladder and Liver
- Reduces Risk of Cancer
Ninety-five percent of the nutritional content in watermelon is in the rind. The seeds may be a little noisy but are harmless to the juicer. The reference to Niagara Falls will be immediately evident when you put a wet piece of watermelon in the juicer. Push through slowly or you may have a mess.
Grapefruit Orange Juice
This is an awesome wake-up juice and is healthier than coffee. It may take a little more time to produce, but you will make up for the lost time with a faster mind.
- Vitamin A (beta-carotene)
- D-glucaric acid
- Hesperetin
- Limonoid
- Naringenin
- Vitamin C
Health Benefits
- Antioxidant
- Boosts Immune System
- Detoxification
- Protection From colon Cancer
- Protects Against Lung Cancer
I double this and make a huge glass of sunshine and detoxifying vitamin C. Citrus juice made from a hand citrus juicer and a centrifugal extractor are quite different. The centrifugal juicer or, even better, a gear-based juicer, produces a thick frothy juice, which can be a little more tart. The quality and the nutritional value will be slightly higher than from a citrus juicer.