The immune system is a great example of the self-repairing capacity of the human body. Antibodies travel throughout the blood and lymph systems to locate and identify foreign molecules, including cancer cells. They latch onto and neutralize foreign invaders, even coating microbes to make them palatable for scavenger cells. Antibodies respond swiftly to toxins and enable the body to fight and resist infections.
When you have a cold or flu, this is a visible sign that your immune system failed to stop the bug in time. But it’s your immune system, not Vicks VapoRub that cures the cold. Cancer is another sign of immunological failure. In most cases, a healthy immune system can detect the early stages of cancer and eliminate the cancerous cells.
Highly modified, mucus-forming food makes up a large percentage of what most of us are ingesting as fuel to run the precise workings of the body. Our modern diet weakens the immune system, resulting in an overabundance of mucus and disrupted homeostasis. Replace a hamburger and fries with a glass or two of freshly made juice and you will feel the difference almost immediately. Do it enough times and a wonderful metamorphosis will begin to occur. After three days, you will begin to notice a change. Within weeks, the transformation can be quite remarkable. But it takes two to three years of juicing and healthy eating before the full benefit can be enjoyed, as new strong cells replace older ones, built with quality raw materials derived from a healthy diet.
All fresh juice will improve the functioning of your immune system, but the following juices contain some well-established immune boosters, such as garlic or ginger, which has been used for thousands of years. If you struggle with colds, flus, or even more serous illness, start drinking yourself back to health.