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Sweet Potato Juice

“…will comfort, nourish, and strengthen the body, vehemently procuring bodily lust” John Gerard 1500s
During the time of Shakespeare, the sweet potato was the most popular aphrodisiac. “To eat or not to eat” was not the question; every good man finished their supper of sweet love. Long before Shakespeare, archeologists discovered the remains of sweet potatoes in pre-Incan ruins of Peru. Today this orange root has become so popular that in North Carolina it was declared the official state vegetable in 1995. And most good restaurants are offering sweet potato fries these days.
The Healing Powers and Health Benefits of Sweet Potato Juice
Boosts Immune System
Good For Complexion
Reduces Risk of Cancer
Sweet Potato Juice Nutrition

Sweet potatoes are one of the greatest sources of beta-carotene of all vegetables, even higher than carrots. In fact, only 112 calories (a small sweet potato) contains 369% of your daily need of vitamin A. They are also plenteous in vitamin C, potassium, calcium, and carbohydrates, and are a good source of fiber. Surprisingly, they are even a rare low-fat source of vitamin E. Choosing from 58 vegetables, the Center for Science in the Public Interest ranked sweet potatoes as number one in Vitamins A and C, folate, iron, copper calcium, and fiber, far below the white potato. History has shown that people can live exclusively on sweet potatoes and remain healthy and strong.

While savoring a mouthful of sweet potato, (garnished with a dab of butter, pinch of salt and a sprinkle of cinnamon and sucanat), I have often marveled how the far less tasty and lower in nutrition white potato became so much more popular than this sweet treat. In my opinion, sweet potato fries kill regular bland fries in taste. It’s no wonder you have to dress standard fries up will all manner of sauces, yet sweet potato fries are perfectly delicious in their nakedness. But I digress, this is a juice article.   

Nutrition Facts
Sweet Potato Juice is an excellent source of:
  • Vitamin A (beta-carotene)
  • Quercetin
  • Chlorogenic Acid
Sweet Potato Juice is a good source of:
  • Vitamin C
  • Calcium
  • Potassium
  • Fibre (when eaten)
  • Vitamin E
  • Iron
  • Copper
  • Folate Acid
Phytochemicals & Antioxidants in Sweet Potato Juice
On top of being a highly nutritious food, sweet potatoes contain phytochemicals including quercetin and chlorogenic acid. Both have been shown to be effective in fighting cancer. Also, they are a good source of immune-boosting carotenoids. Tim Kramer, a USDA immunologist, studied twelve volunteers, who for three weeks lunched on kale, sweet potatoes and a glass of tomato juice. This was literally a carotenoid cocktail, (beta-carotene in sweet potatoes, lutein in kale and lycopene in tomato juice). The results were nothing short of stunning. In just three weeks, all twelve volunteers had a 33 percent increase in immune response as gauged by the T-cell’s ability to multiply. This is very significant, because the body does not store T-cells, but produces them as an emergency response to an invader, like a cold, flu or worse.
Make the Ultimate Sweet Potato Juice
Preparing for Juicing
I have had a surprising number of emails asking if they should juice sweet potatoes raw or cooked. I suppose it’s hard to get some people’s head around consuming a food that is normally baked, buttered and salted, but the answer is raw. And it is as sweet and tasty raw as cooked, minus all the fat calories. I even enjoy eating raw sweet potatoes sticks. I think they taste better than raw carrot sticks and have wondered why they have not caught on in the same way.
I have spent over twenty years juicing thousands of pounds of produce and tried just about ever juicer on the market. I can confidently say that our Juice Nut Top Pick Juicers are the very best in workmanship, warranty, juice yield and juice quality. I’m nuts about these juicers!
Sweet Potato Juice Tips
Sweet potatoes can be added to any fruit juice, giving the juice a smooth, milkshake-like taste to die for. You will be pleasantly surprised!
Picking Perfect Produce
The darker the color, the higher the vitamin content. Look for firm, not too large sweet potatoes that are tapered at both ends. Skin should be smooth without brown spots.
Storing Your Produce
Will keep in the refrigerator for two weeks. Do not store in plastic bags, but allow to run loose in crisper.
Taste Combos
Carrot and sweet potato juice is tasty and outstanding for the complexion. My all-time favorite juice combination is orange, pineapple, and sweet potato. It tastes so rich it almost feels like I am breaking my fast when sipping on this thick, pleasure-in-a-cup. Often the success or failure of a fast has more to do with what goes on in the head than the body. A little trick I use to provide motivation and give me something to look forward to is I will refuse to indulge myself with this favorite mix until halfway into the fast. On day 15 of a 30-day juice fast, that sultry mix of anticipation, orange, pineapple, and sweet potato, tastes better than any candy store offering, and without the guilt.  
The The Juice Nut Guide To Juicing (eBook) is available to purchase now!
If you are interested in anti-aging, detoxifying, and maintaining radiant health, or discovering what type of juice will heal and protect from just about every ailment, then this is book for you. In an easy, fun read, Ron provides detailed nutritional information about all of the common fruits and veggies in your supermarket, plus 20 years of personal juicing tips. Everything you need to know about juicing in one book! (Available in PDF & Kindle formats)
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Your Comments
excellent, thank you
Thank you so much for all the vital information. I have been on a low purine diet as of recent and have been juicing tons of fruits and veggies. Someone suggested sweet potatoes and you're right, I couldn't wrap my head around it. Now I'm absolutely a believer.
Theo Valentine
A few days now I have been juicing sweet potatoes, apple and carrots and it taste really great. My son who doesnt eat veggies can now have all the vitamins he needs from just drinking my juicy combination.
I have been very good on my juce fast. I just juiced pineapple, orange and sweet potato. I have officially named it Liquid Crack. Thank you for the recipe!!
My favorite combo is carrot-orange-sweet potato. Great article!
We just got an omega masticating juicer for a wedding gift, we were hoping to get it. It is awesome!! I tried raw sweet pot. in it yesterday and loved the flavor, creamy and sweet. I mixed mine with grapes celery, carrots, necterine and lemon. I did it without thinking and loved it, but then my fiance was wondering if raw sweet pot. are ok for you to digest. I am very relieved that it is, because I plan on using them often. My skin and body feel great. And it also cleaned me out:)TMI-sorry
My soup is not soup without sweet potatoes. Debbie, look for sweet potatoes by the shape and not colour, if not by the milky substance and taste. Because of the difference in colour, some people call a sweet potato, yam.
lakechand Singh
Interesting. Love sweet potatoes. Can't wait to try juice with them!
5 stars
extremely good post. . . . very good. thanks.
erasmo s. laurel
OMG! Just juiced my pineapple, orange & sweet potato combo...IT IS EXCELLENT! Thank you soo much!
Great article, thankyou.
Awesome drink...love sweet potatoes...I added cinnamon and nutmeg to my juice...delicious!
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